Breakfast After the Bell
March 15, 2019
At The Sheridan Story, our mission is simple: to fight child hunger through community and school partnerships. We know that our students thrive when we as a community put our resources together. As component of our mission, we are excited to support the Breakfast After the Bell legislation.
The proposed legislation makes it easier for kids to get breakfast at school so they can learn and develop healthy brains and bodies. Incentives like meal reimbursements for school districts – to either establish or expand school breakfast programs – are included in the bill. As members of the child hunger coalition, we are thankful to join other amazing organizations in seeing provision for every child, and every meal. Find our more here: https://www.2harvest. org/who–how-we-help/advocacy/ breakfastafterthebell.html.
MN Child Hunger Coalition members: Second Harvest Heartland, Boston Consulting Group, Cargill, Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota, General Mills, Hunger Solutions, Minnesota Milk Producers, Minnesota School Nutrition Association, The Sheridan Story and Youthprise.